New Band Uniforms

John E. Garwig

Kerry Geraci

The Girardi Family
Doris Gluck
Leonard Greenberg
The Hockenberry-Hanna Family
Kathryn Kemp
The Khoury Family
Elaine Kinkela
Amy Lagese
Tom Lance
Rocco LaVolpa
Tracy Leicht
Corey Linsley
Mike Long
Michelle Marino-Hunter
Larry Miller
Myron Mondora
Marjorie A. Morley
John Nestor
Bill & Emily O'Dell
Phyllis Pellin
Jerry Rassega
The Rassega Family
Mike Roncone


Fred Roth

Diane & Chuck Rudge

Mary Salus
Brian Scahill
Bob & Linda Sebo
The Seditz Family
Dr. Jeffrey Sich
Emily Slaven
Shawn Smith
William Smith
Bette Stadlen
Steelite International USA
Erica Susa
The Sweder Family
Billie Tanner
Nancy (Pellin) Thomas
Amy Thompson-Mendenhall
Irwin Udell
Jean Varner
The Veri Family
Raymond Vitullo
Ambrose Wardle
The Welsh Family
Peggy & Frank Yuhas
Gregg Zban
Andrew Zembower

The Adkins Family
The Ayers Family
The Basista Family
The Beichner Family
Paul Beveridge

Boardman Rotary

Boardman Lions

June Bodzenta
Hal Brewster
Steven Bush
The Caguiat Family
Don & Terri Cartier
John & Linda Chapman
Diane Crowe
Vickie Davis

Jerry & Carol DeCamp
Cheryl DeGregory
Norma Jean DeMain
Tom & Betsy Doerr
The Fick-Mills Family
The Four Square Foundation
Brian Scott Freeze
Germayne Freeze
Jim Freeze
Dr. Robert Garwig
Glenn Garwig

"We couldn't have done it without you!"

Boardman High School

7777 Glenwood Avenue

Youngstown, OH 44512
