Boardman High School

7777 Glenwood Avenue

Youngstown, OH 44512


BBOP Meetings are usually held the first Thursday of each month September through June.  Check the Band Calendar for any changes.  Attend meetings to get answers to questions, volunteer for various committees and events, meet other dedicated parents, and generally GET INVOLVED!

2023-2024 Executive Officers

(click a name to send email)

President:  Susan Viars

Vice-President:  Allison Hockenberry-Hanna

Secretary:  Heather White

Treasurer:  Christie Sweder

Band Delegate:  Jess Richard

Orchestra Delegate:  Carolyn Lorenzi

    What is BBOP?

     BBOP is the Boardman Band and Orchestra Parents, Inc. It is the parental support group for the Band and Orchestra Programs in the Boardman Local School District. Though most of the efforts of BBOP are focused on the programs at Boardman High School, the middle school programs are also beneficiaries of BBOP’s support.

     Parents become members of BBOP the moment their child enrolls in Band or Orchestra. They are welcome to attend monthly meetings during the school year. Parents of 8th-12th grade Band and Orchestra members are eligible to participate in any issues decided by voting. 

     The three main duties of BBOP are: SERVICE, SUPPORT, and FUNDRAISING.

The Boardman Band and Orchestra Parents, Inc.